Board of Directors
The Kings High School Hockey Club Board of Directors
The Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Registrar/Secretary, Treasurer, and Rules/Ethics Chair. These officers shall be elected by the Board according to ARTICLE 5 of the By-Laws.
Active members in good standing of the Kings Hockey Club are welcome to attend board meetings. Please check the website, follow our Facebook page and receive notifications, or contact our Secretary/Registrar to confirm the meeting times and locations.
The Kings High School Hockey Club also has multiple volunteer opportunities for families to be involved with the day-to-day operations of the club. These include but are not limited to Team Manager Liason/Tournament Coordinator, Communications/Marketing Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, Uniform/Spiritwear Coordinator, Special Events Coordinator, and 6 School Liaisons (Huntley, Hampshire, Jacobs, McHenry, Woodstock, and Woodstock North).
Board Members
Member School Liaisons

Deanna Papachristopoulos
(847) 790-6720

Carrie Kimbrough
(847) 712-8554

Jen Anderson
(815) 790-5093