Refund Policies

Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.

Fall Hockey

All refund requests must be submitted in writing to the Registrar, Requests received before the first night of tryouts (tryouts include warm-up skates and tryouts) will receive a refund of amounts paid, less a $50 cancellation fee. Requests received after tryouts have begun, and before the team draft, will receive a refund amount paid less the $200 non-refundable registration fee plus the cost of the uniform fees and personalized items and a $50 cancellation fee. Teams may be drafted as early as the first night of tryouts. No refunds will be given after the draft unless there is a special circumstance as determined by the Board of Directors. Members requesting a refund after teams have been posted are responsible for the full fees per the Financial Obligation Agreement signed during registration. The season balance is due immediately upon notification that the player would like to cancel their registration. Players are not permitted to change his/her team or association until they have satisfied the outstanding balance of their registration. Partial refunds for situations involving a season-ending injury can be granted by the board after considering such factors as the date of injury and the costs incurred by the club on behalf of the player. To be eligible for an injury credit, the player must not be unable to participate in team activities. Injury refund requests should include documentation to support the injury claim that states that the player is unable to participate in hockey. The team manager is responsible for signing the form confirming the amount of time the player was injured. Injury refunds will be reviewed by the Hockey Director and the Board of directors.

Kings 7th and 8th Grade Skate

The skate is free to those players that will attend one of our participating High Schools-Hampshire, Huntley, Jacobs, McHenry, Woodstock and Woodstock North. Players must be in 7th or 8th grade and cannot be a current high school student.

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